It is with great EXCITEMENT that we announce to you Pinkston in the Park” was a BLAST!

It was HOT Out There! Participating classes represented well. Classes from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s. Classes from the 2000′s are stepping up their game in numbers each year. Class banners were flying high in the warm breeze. Tables were holding up the dominos, teams for playing Spades were waiting to challenge the winning team. Just everything you could imagine for a picnic. Each class had their own grill, which was just as HOT!!

A Special thank you to LGP Principal Mr. Simmons, LGP Varsity Football Coach Derek Lewis, and Candidate for District 5 DISD Maxie Johnson. Each year, alumnus from other schools are drawn to PIP which is extra special. Thank you, alumnus, from Sunset, Roosevelt, Adamson, Skyline, Hillcrest, WTH and Lincoln. We thank you for coming out and supporting Pinkston in the Park.

On behalf of the Education Chair Kila Williams. Thank you to those who made a donation of school supplies to L.G. Pinkston High School. Your support is greatly appreciated. Kila Williams is a graduate of Pinkston High School (2007), and will be teaching at Pinkston. Congratulations to Kila! If anyone would like to donate school supplies, please send an email to

There Is No Alumni like LGP Alumni – LGPAADT enjoyed mingling with the classes.

We look forward to mingling with you next year.




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